Wednesday, December 5, 2007

MFA IME, uncovered

i often get asked what it is exactly that i'm studying. the answers i give are as varied as the people asking. "new media", "contemporary art", "the intersection of technology and art", just plain "art" are my most common responses. the other day i found this little booklet about FMI and decided their idea of themselves was much better than anything i had come up. so here it is, straight from the horse's

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Object Annotation, Some Thoughts

a little while ago, i blogged about this piece i did for the art collective SFZero. i've had time to post some of the thoughts this project raised. i beg your pardon if it's a bit fragmented. this is copy/pasted directly from my notes.

to tag a public object you like with a note discussing how much you like it.

tagged a bronze statue of a horse with a url that lead to a blog with pictures and poems written to/about the horse. updated the blog everyday for five days with a new poem. poems were simple things, children's rhymes, a modified popular theme song and a translated/edited greek poem about a chess knight. the physical tag lasted 4 days. also, on the second day, someone left a copy of the illiad at the base of the horse. hence my decision to include a greek poem, though not necessarily one about the trojan horse.

i found the idea of giving the statue a virtual presence in addition to it's physical presence fitting. the idea of physically hyper-linking the statue to a blog played to this notion of interstitial blurring. the physical statue exists in a between-place also. the verge between the two sides of radesingel. where does the real horse exist? in some gray area between physical and virtual? does it take on a new measure of reality because of the 'sacrifice' i paid to it? this has ties to the greek idea of immortality through sacrifice. acts of honor and remembrance for the dead keep them wandering the world as shades. attention was drawn, awareness created. performance? netart? interstitial space? all of the former?