Wednesday, January 2, 2008


oh wow, it's been almost a month between posts. i've been a busy boy. the last three weeks of december i spent getting ready to leave, finishing projects, inadvertently starting a new project, coming to some sort of less-murky clarity with my thesis-thingy, starting another new project, christmas dinners (3-4ish) and finally almost 36 hours spent trying to cross the atlantic. albeit, 27 of those were spent twiddling my thumbs in schipol, amsterdam's airport.

let's see, what's new.. in reverse, i spent 4 days at summerhaven with mon's (and soon-to-be mine) family, had a small hockey accident (i can skate... i can't stop), was given some excellent books, gleefully ate way too much and just as gleefully won a game of munchkin! >:) before that i spent christmas at my grandparent's with my family. it's always fun to see everyone together. my family dynamic works a bit like the new york stock exchange, lots of loud talking, frantic hand gestures, odd quiet moments and feverishly renewed gesticulating. i love it. :D

i haven't spent as much time relaxing as i thought i would. mon and i have gotten some movies and game playing in, though not much. and i've spent time with the cats, who acclimated quite quickly to me, thankfully. i was a bit worried that the youngest wouldn't remember me.

mainly it's just been good to see and spend time with them.

now i'm taking care of all the things i've yet to take care of. getting ready for a class i'll be TA-ing at UNO next semester, "games as art" or something similar. reading like crazy to get ready for my assessment/research defense on the 23rd and when i get back to GRO i'll be making like crazy for the same goal.

and sometime during all this i turned 27. :) happy birthday, me.

i hope your holidays were fun and safe. a more-less-christmas-letter-ish post will be forthcoming. cheers!

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