Thursday, August 30, 2007


FINALLY! access to the intertubes! This is just a quick re-surfacing to show you photos and let you know we're both doing well. it's 2 am here, we've both just spent the last three hours on the phone talking to family and i'm falling asleep typing. enjoy the photos and as always click on the yellow column in the top left picture to see a slide show. yes, those are my dorm hallways. - a.

oh, and i just finished reading "the atrocity archives" by charles stross, a totally random find at the simplon jongerenhotel (hostel) that we stayed at.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


HELLO WORLD: We're in Groningen, but having a hard time finding free wifi. Right now we're paying for time at the library, so updates will be irregular. More later, of course, and despite what M says I will survive without regular web access...for a bit. :} that's the martini tower above...drink jokes aside.

random note: if you like good fiction read william gibson's Spook Country; i just finished it.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sorry it's been so long between posts, but finding the time to sit down and organize hundreds of photos and then think of something to say about them is well... hard. We're doing great, it's actually our last day in Amsterdam and because we're exhausted from all the walking around we're taking it easy in our favorite little cafe, Latei. They've got amazing, organic food/coffee and free toilets (a huge plus) and wifi. :D Click on the image above to see a slide show of some of the photos I've uploaded so far. More later, and love always. - A.

Friday, August 17, 2007


We've landed in Amsterdam. Click above for some pics. I'll post more when we have a chance.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thanksgiving ala Burroughs

random youtube find. enjoy.

Friday, August 10, 2007


So I just got back (yesterday morning) from a quick trip down to Nashville for work. I took a painting from the gallery I work for and installed it in a home. 12 hour drive, 15 minutes of work, not much sleep. Luckily I have relatives there and got to spend the night and a bit of the next day with them. They took me to some of the hotspots in Nashville and here are the pics. Click on Athena's forehead to go see em.