Wednesday, October 24, 2007


i don't normally blog about things like this, i dunno, it's just not in my nature, but this is ridiculous. the DHS is quietly moving closer to a proposal that requires prior government approval for all fliers, domestic and international. so what that means is, i haven't to petition the government for their "ok" to fly. i have to ask. the government. to fly. to travel, to move about. what the fuck kind of country do we live in? well, i guess i don't live there right now, which actually scares me even more. this policy is due to go into effect in february of 2008 and could, on a personal level, keep me from coming back into the states that summer. additionally, it allows the airlines and DHS to keep a record on all travelers, their itineraries, accommodations, the books they had with them, etc. this is my personal information, my privacy, that is no longer mine. the days when we could reasonably expect to remain private, anonymous individuals has definitely passed. land of the free. ha.

links to resources:

about the "western hemisphere travel initiative"

a blog about a public charity working to protect our rights to private identities.

a blog of an activist, working to shine the light on these 'quiet' initiatives.

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